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I love your game I played it when I was 6 years old now I am 13 years old I am very happy that you continue to develop the game I wrote all this in google translator I am from Argentina

Bro Igual yo

The same thing tho

não sabia que tu era br, achava que era só boato mesmo, mas que jogo foda cara, jogo desde a 0.4.0 eu acho, adorava o jogo e era bem viciado nele, essa versão nova me deixou bem animado logo quando eu vi e vou com certeza acompanhar o jogo

Could you make a mac version of this game

I cant, for i dont have a Mac, and i need one to make a mac build.

seguro no hablas espanol pero quiero decir que llevo jugando zumbiblocks desde hace mucho tiempo y esta secuela es la hosti


(1 edit) (+1)

Inventory system, Vehicles, Physic Doors, Ammo type, Diff camera types, Holster system, smooth animations, Day/Night system, Really good melee!! Hold Right click to do a stronger melee attack!! Your programation skills going far. I LOVE THIS. but pls, i need open the inventory by pressing TAB. if this is going to steam someone tell me. imma buy


I'm gonna add customizable key bindings, once i finish those menus.


Hello, is there any way I can contact you through Discord, E-Mail, or anything else? If I cannot, here is some more info:

I am asking because I played  Zumbi Blocks years ago, and it was really fun. I am trying to make a collection of every version of the game,  but the links you put in the descriptions of your videos are broken. The websites say that the files were removed/not accessible anymore. It would make me really happy if you provided them to me. I already have a bunch of versions, but they are by different developers, and as far as I know you made the original version. 

I get very nostalgic whenever I hear the name Zumbi Blocks, and I want others to feel the same way, which is one of the reasons I want to make a collection for others to enjoy in the first place. The versions I have are: 0.6.0, 0.7.0, and 0.8.0. The versions I am missing are:

(These are the versions without actual numbers) -

0.4.0 - 

0.5.0 or 0.5.1 - 

I am also making a collection of the Zumbi Blocks ultimate versions, but you don't have to worry about that as I don't care about that one as much as I do about the original ZB collection. If you can't give me the versions, it is 100% okay. I can just find some other way of getting them, but some closure on what happened to them would be greatly appreciated (If you can't do that either it's fine) Anyways, thank you for reading this. I appreciate it. 


Olá, há alguma maneira de entrar em contato com você pelo Discord, E-Mail ou qualquer outra coisa? Se eu não puder, aqui estão mais algumas informações:
Estou perguntando porque toquei Zumbi Blocks anos atrás e foi muito divertido. Estou tentando fazer uma coleção de todas as versões do jogo, mas os links que você coloca nas descrições de seus vídeos estão quebrados. Os sites dizem que os arquivos foram removidos / não estão mais acessíveis. Eu ficaria muito feliz se você os fornecesse para mim. Já tenho um monte de versões, mas são de diferentes desenvolvedores e, pelo que sei, você fez a versão original.

Fico muito nostálgica sempre que ouço o nome Zumbi Blocks e quero que os outros sintam o mesmo, e é um dos motivos pelos quais quero fazer uma coleção para os outros curtirem. As versões que tenho são: 0.6.0, 0.7.0 e 0.8.0. As versões que faltam são:
(Estas são as versões sem números reais) -

0.4.0 - 

0,5,0 ou 0,5,1 - 

Também estou fazendo uma coleção das últimas versões do Zumbi Blocks, mas você não precisa se preocupar com isso, pois não me importo com ela tanto quanto me importo com a coleção original do ZB. Se você não pode me dar as versões, está 100% correto. Eu posso apenas encontrar outra maneira de obtê-los, mas algum encerramento sobre o que aconteceu com eles seria muito apreciado (se você também não pode fazer isso, tudo bem) De qualquer forma, obrigado por ler isto. Eu agradeço.

I dont think i have the older versions of Zumbi Blocks. Those are pretty much gone. Maybe they exist somewhere in my laptop, but it's very unlikely.

Ah dang, that sucks. Thanks for replying though, I appreciate it

qual o link para o seu canal do discord?

este juego se merece 10000000000000000000000000000 millones de estrellas la calidad la mobilidad esta bellisimo solo espero q se actualize pronto para tenerlo en 32bits


Um pack com coisas para tu ae

Bro did you make this whole pack of things? Is Amazing!

Deleted 3 years ago
(1 edit)

Acabei descobrindo um bug enquanto jogava recentemente, você pode bater no zombie com o pipe sem ele te revidar, mais com a picareta por o ataque ser mais lerdo ele pode te revidar, não sei se isso é um bug ou uma feature no jogo.

(5 edits)

Zombie Blocks 2 (0.4.5 bugs & Requests)

1- When you die, the time reset to day

2-The Zombies can double climb when he is climbing the wall. (He climb the air)


[1-Zombies] I fink the zombies need to stop running after some seconds on easy mode, like stamina

[2-Inventory thing] You can't open your inventory when you are running, will be cool if you change it

[3-doors tweaks] The doors are a Ragdool, if you change it to--->, Prees "E" to open the door, Will be better, i fink

[4-Instamina] You can run infinitely, if you do a bar of instamina the game will be more dificulty

[5-Configurations] Please, Ween you do the option to the configuration, do the Sensibility option. (Pls)

(Note: Im a Brazilian, Sorry for my bad English)

eu tbm sou brasileiro fica tranquilo eu sou fluente esta tudo certinho bro

Eu sou brasileiro. Pode postar em português que eu entendo.

Deleted 4 years ago

kkkkkkkkk claro IamATester, tem vários problemas alí no que ele escreveu, que fluente o quê.

Bro, regarding the stamina, it's not actually difficult for me, but I respect your opinion though.

(2 edits)
i think that need a campvision of zombies that loss you and the zombies run or pickaxe combat and pipe , pipe is more fast and pickaxe no and we need join server without code or something like car to , if i helped you 👍
(1 edit)

I think it needs a campvision of zombies that lose you...? [...], pipe is faster and pickaxe (is slower), and we should be able to join a server without needing a code or something like (car to?) If I helped you 👍*

it looks like a great game but its not for 32 bit ;-;

Oh sry. Next update ill put a 32bit version.

(1 edit)

I found a cmd console by typing F1 does it have any commands to just have fun with my friends ooh and where is the car?

For now the only command that exists is "settime". It changes the time of day. The car isn't accessible in game yet.

Ok thank you

Ohh and I think this is asking a lot but could you send me the game version with the car or some commands just to have fun with my friends

If not I completely understand

Have a nice day


I cant. The car doesnt work in game. I did not program any interaction with the car yet.

Ok thank you for your time!

Ok obrigado sou de Portugal pensava que voçe era ingles mas agora vejo que e Brazileiro prazer!

i like the game but no exit to desktop botton working but im exited to se were you ggo with this

Improving the menus are one of the priorities now, since more people are playing it, i'll try and make things more intuitive and understandable.


Add it on mobile plss


played it, i love this game. would be happy to play more when you update it, maybe i will post a video here another day playing with some friends

if i find some bugs i tell you

I'm happy you like it. Dont even bother telling me about bugs now cause it's very early in development, there are lots of bugs and i already know about most of them.

oh ok. i will keep following the project!

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