Zumbi Blocks 2 waves system update

After a long while i managed to finish the waves update. For the next updates i'll focus on adding gradual smaller changes so it doesn't take so long between updates. I'll have a road map up somewhere in discord with every single little thing i want to add to the game.

Get the game on steam if you want to stay better up to date, and have access to multiplayer:

Remember to join our discord, for more constant info and updates: 

(this itch version has a small difference in the UI compared to the Steam version, but it wont matter gameplay-wise)

Wave system:

New Zumbie models:

Map regions and loot:

Crafting ammo:

Full change log for (open alpha steam version):


. Changed the difficulty system into a 25 waves system
(it will repeat wave 25 forever, even if the wave counter says 26, 27, 28, etc.)

. Riot boss starts spawning on Wave 5. Queen zumbie starts spawning on wave 15.
You will get stuck on wave 5/15 until you kill the specified boss

. Zombies that belong to a wave will never lose track of the player, and will teleport
if the player runs away too far

. Zombies are now divided into 3 Tiers, each one with different 3D models

. Zombies drop slighltly different loot depending on their tier

. Each zombie tier have an exact HP amount, so you know how many shots it takes to
kill each one of them. Other stats (speed and damage) are still somewhat random

. Every set number of waves the zombie tier for those waves increases

Wave 1 - 5 spawns tier 1 Zombies
Wave 5 - 15 spawns tier 2 Zombies
Wave 15 - 25 spawns tier 3 Zombies

. There are "Dark block braziers" scattered around, that you can fuel to make
waves arrive faster


. Added crafting materials (metal, plastic, wood, powder and "dark blocks")

. Added a recycle button when you right click inventory items, to scrap them into
crafting materials

. Added an Ammo Crafting station that can be randomly found inside buildings.
Most of your ammo will come from crafting so you have to make sure you
keep up with finding the necessary materials to craft them

. Added craftable ammo for the Riot Shotgun (Riot Shell)

. Loot now spawns in clusters of specific item types for each building

. Loot sometimes spawns on top of furniture

. Most of the time, loot clusters will spawn in one specific room of the building,
you just gotta find it (instead of having to search the entire building)


. Map markers don't show where every gun is anymore, it shows what kind of item
spawned in each building. It does not show the exact location either

. Map zooming and dragging got improved. Map icons were generally improved too

. Map will show the location of Workbenches (ammo and brazier) once discovered


. The map was divided into 3 regions, that are colored differently in the map screen
The tier of the regular zombies that spawn along the map will be defined by
the region they spawn in

. Game pauses (on Single Player) when you press ESC

. Improved visuals of the instructions window

. Allowed rolling when staggered to facilitate surviving
when you get cornered/overwhelmed by zombies

. Updated engine version


. Fixed visuals glitches when reloading guns while looking at the inventory screen

. Fixed ammo duplication glitch

. Fixed generation of too many backup files

. Fixed zombie spawn animation playing at the wrong moments

. Fixed bug where you could unload guns with 0 ammo


Zumbi Blocks (64bit).zip 81 MB
76 days ago
Zumbi Blocks (32bit).zip 77 MB
76 days ago

Get Zumbi Blocks 2


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ayy nice!